Independent Research and Corporate Communication Services

New Research Coverage
Our Research Library acts as the key to detailing the untapped potential of every company we cover, with a selection of recent examples below.
In The Media
Crystal Research Associates is widely recognized for its contributions to influential media outlets, including top financial television networks and publications. We are sought after by renowned channels such as CNBC, CNBC Europe, Fox Business, Bloomberg, Bloomberg Radio, CBS, CNN, and many others, allowing us to reach a vast audience of millions of viewers. Moreover, our expertise extends to written publications, where we are prominently featured in nearly every major financial press forum. Explore a selection of these platforms on our website.


Award-Winning Analyst Team
Working together for almost three decades, Crystal Research Associates is led by the team of Jeffrey Kraws and Karen Goldfarb, who have been recognized consistently, including winning several of the industry's most sought-after and prestigious awards.
Recent Blog Posts
Following the publication of initial report, Crystal Research Associates delivers company updates, which provide a concise summary of the entity's performance in the previous quarter, highlighting noteworthy achievements made in recent times.

November 2024 Update on GeoVax Labs, Inc. (GOVX-NASDAQ)